You’re [maybe] invited.
”I saw some people having a barbecue at the local park on one of my walks. And you know what… I want to have one too. Where we invite a bunch of people who we like. And like, cook for them and talk about cool, interesting things. You know?”
This wholesome mini story [shared by Josh] struck a new way of thinking for me about an imaginary list of invitees to my life’s figurative BBQ. I suppose this is my brain sorting through the desire for community and connection with weird + nice people that I love to interact with (both IRL and on the internet), and packaging it up nicely in the palatable image of a warm Saturday in a park with the smells of Summer coming up from the grill, while I corral everyone I have some form of an internet crush on.
My ever-updated list + my own little note on admiration. But first, every list needs a key:
✅ IRL contact made [I consider this a phone call or text, but not Zoom) ⏳ IRL contact not-yet made
[there are more, stay tuned]